5 Tips to Help You Take Better Photos of Your Dog

New Mexico Dog Photographer- Cheyenne Chavez Photography (Belen, Los Lunas, Albuquerque, New Mexico)

New Mexico Dog Photographer- Cheyenne Chavez Photography (Belen, Los Lunas, Albuquerque, New Mexico)

Are you obsessed with your dog? Is your Phone full of more photos of your dog than people?
Does your dog have their own Instagram? (No judgement here, cause SAME).

Are you looking to improve the photos you take of your dog so you can enjoy them even more?

Cheyenne Chavez Photography has 5 easy tips to get amazing photos of your dog.

Keep reading to learn more, and don’t forget to scroll all the way to the end to find out how your dog can become a a member of our modeling team!

  1. Practice basic commands.

    To get the perfect pose, it is important that your dog knows three basic commands: sit, lay down, and stay/wait. Practice these commands daily and it’ll be no problem when the camera comes out

  2. Use a Noise Maker

    For those perfectly perked ears and curious eyes, save the squeaker from one of your dog’s shredded squeaky toys and use it to get your dog’s attention when you snap photos. You can also play interesting sounds on your phone or make strange noises yourself- anything that will get those ears perked.

  3. Utilize Rewards

    Dogs are driven by reward. Every time your dog does something correctly, give a reward, whether it is a treat or a favorite toy. This will not only keep them engaged, but also encourage them to keep following direction and posing for the camera.

  4. Take Frequent Breaks.

    Remember that dogs have pretty short attention spans and can get stressed out if too much pressure is placed on them- especially when learning something new or in a new environment. Work on photos for a couple minutes at a time and take breaks for walks, playing, and belly rubs in between attempts.

  5. Be patient.

    Even the pros don’t get the shot every time. Sometimes it takes many, many attempts, and sometimes it doesn’t happen at all and you’ll have to try again another day. Be patient and follow your dog’s queues and it’ll pay off greatly in the long run.

Now your dog is ready for his or her closeup!

Keep reading to find out how your dog can join our modeling team!

Is your dog model material?

Apply to join our modeling team and participate in free photoshoots for charity events, portfolio building, marketing campaigns, and more. Click the link below to apply!

Cheyenne Chavez is a New Mexico based portrait photographer specializing in portraits for pets and their people. From dogs and cats, to horses and cattle, to hedgehogs and goldfish, Cheyenne is dedicating to capturing the pets that make our lives whole with portraits to treasure now and for all time.


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