What if My Dog Can’t Pose for Photos?

As a pet photographer, one comment I get a lot on social media is “I wish I could book a session, but there’s no way my dog would pose like that!”

When they say this, I wish they could be a fly on the wall at one of my sessions to see that most dogs I work with don’t know how to “pose.” In fact, I think it’s a cardinal rule of working with dogs: shenanigans will always ensue. Even the most well-trained dogs will have their moments, and it’s usually as soon as the camera comes out.

I am here to tell you that even your dog can be photographed professionally and get beautiful results.

Here's how:

1. Cameras take shots of tiny fractions of a second.

Even if your dog is being naughty and acting crazy the majority of the time, I can snag some awesome shots of those in between moments when they're sitting still. Trust me on this one- cameras are powerful tools in the right hands!

2. I use photoshop magic.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: Almost every dog I photograph is actually not an obedience training star or posing perfectly…they’re usually on a leash with their handler standing very close by! Thanks to the magic of photoshop, I am able to remove the leash (and sometimes handler) and create a final image that looks like a perfectly posing dog!

3. Bribery and patience are equal virtues.

Dogs respond to positive feedback and rewards, so I try to capitalize on that as much as possible. I give lots of tasty treats and take lots of breaks to ensure your dog is happy and doesn't get overwhelmed. Sometimes getting the shot takes several attempts, and that's ok! I promise I’m not stressing if your dog refuses to look at the camera or sit still- all of that will sort itself out as he or she becomes more comfortable and relaxed. What we don’t want to do is add too much pressure and stress them out. Patience and bribery really go a long way!

4. Body Language Matters

When hiring a dog photographer, it is really important to make sure they know how to safely work with dogs. I am well experienced with dogs and pay very close attention to their body language. If they’re getting overwhelmed or irritated, I am trained to notice those queues and know to redirect. By paying close attention to how your dog is feeling, I am able to create the best possible photos of them!

In the hands of a skilled professional, any dog can be photographed and get great results. Of course, it is helpful to train your dog to know a few basic commands (read more about that here), but for the most part, no training is needed. Any dog can be photographed professionally, even yours!


Hi, I’m Cheyenne.

I am a photographer who is obsessed with creating beautiful portraits and custom artwork for pets and their people.

I proudly serve New Mexico and the Southwestern United States but will travel on request (ask for a custom quote).

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