Woman’s Best Friend

“Man’s Best Friend-” It’s a title that has become ubiquitous with the very definition of what a dog is, and how they fit into our lives as humans. It’s a title that evokes strong mental imagery of strong manly men like soldiers, cowboys, or police officers with their canine companions by their sides, doing strong, macho man things. Humor me for a moment- close your eyes and picture it…You’re picturing Channing Tatum and a Belgian Malinois, or Will Smith and a German Shepherd, aren’t you?


Man’s Best Friend.

Reach into your memory and think back to almost any heartwarming movie you’ve ever seen about a dog, and you’ll notice a central theme: they mostly feature the bond between MAN and a dog.

Marley and Me

Old Yeller

My Dog Skip


Turner and Hooch

The list goes on and on…

The point is, in the majority of these stories we tell about the amazing connection between humans and dogs, women are often background characters. The bond between women and the dogs they love is not something that is talked about or celebrated in the same way it is for men.

In reality, dogs play a central role in the lives of women, and inversely, women play a major role in the lives of dogs.
All too often in our society, the lives of women- especially stay at home mothers and women over 30- along with their struggles, their hopes, and their dreams, exist in the shadows of private homes. They are not seen, and they are not heard. They are forgotten…by all but their dog.

When a woman sets out on her own and gets her first apartment, it is a dog who becomes her best friend, protector, and confidant, enthusiastically greeting her every evening after work or school, and giving her a reason to get out of the house to meet new people.

If a woman quits her job to stay home and raise babies, it is a dog who keeps her company on those long, lonely days without adult interaction, sitting at her feet as she folds laundry, following her like a shadow as she buzzes about the house, fulfilling everyone’s needs but her own. The dog can sense her overwhelm and knows just what to do: offer a snuggle, a quick walk around the block, or maybe just a listening ear- all things a dog is great at.

If a woman suffers through deep emotional pain, or problems with her health, it is a dog who is by her side, quietly comforting her. That dog can sense more than any human can, and they always know just what to do. Even in the hardest moments, when the tears won’t stop, that dog knows how to bring a smile.

Just as dogs are major facets in the lives of women, it seems the inverse is true. In my experience as a pet photographer, working with shelters and rescue organizations, I have noticed that the majority of people running shelters and rescues and actively advocating for animal welfare are, in fact, women. The dog is indeed woman’s best friend, and woman is indeed dog’s best friend. It’s a beautifully mutual relationship of love and friendship, and a story worth telling.

—Cheyenne Chavez, Pet Photographer

About The Author

Cheyenne is a photographer specializing in portraits for pets and their people in the Albuquerque metro area, and around the Southwestern United States.


Valencia County Animal Shelter May 2022


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