Professional Photos for Kids in the Albuquerque Metro Area

When you become a parent, you have a newborn for a month, a baby for a year, a toddler for two years, a preschooler for two years, a big kid for five years, a preteen for three years, and a teenager for five years. After that, they’re grown and their childhood is but a memory.

I think that it’s because of its fleeting nature that childhood is so magical. As parents, we savor the sound of baby giggles, the sound of little feet pitter-pattering on the floor each morning, the magic of make believe, and the chaos of soccer practice and school projects, because we know that it won’t be forever. That’s why I think it’s so important to make big deal out of each milestone and document it as best as possible.

When I photograph children, I like to capture a sense of magic and nostalgia and create images that tell the story of that moment in a child’s life. From birth, to first birthdays, to high school graduation and all the milestones in between, I recognize that each portrait is deeply important, as it will tell the story of that person’s childhood for years to come.

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Hi, I’m Cheyenne.

I’m a homeschooling mom, gardening enthusiast, animal lover, and portrait photography located in the small town of Belen, New Mexico. I proudly serve the families of the greater Albuquerque Metro area and create beautiful, unique, and timeless portraits for families, children, and pets.

If you and your family love having fun and showing up as your uniquely awesome selves, then I think we are going to get along great. I can help you create memorable portraits that stand out from the rest, and that you will treasure as the days turn to years and the years turn to decades.

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Where to Print Photos


3 Tips for Being in More Photos with Your Kids