The Secret Garden:New Mexico Children’s Photographer

A long, long time ago, in the 1990s, when I was a little girl, I vividly remember when the movie, The Secret Garden came out on VHS. as a special promotion, the VHS came with a silver plated locket necklace. I remember seeing my friends with their adorable little lockets and wishing with all my might that I could have one. Unfortunately for me, my parents rarely bought movies. We were more of a video store rental family, so we would spend our Friday evenings on the way home from work and school perusing the aisles of the local Hastings (remember HASTINGS?!), choosing movies to watch for the weekend. I probably rented The Secret Garden a few times, but I never did get that promotional locket. Now that I think about it, though- I had two sisters- we would have fought over that little locket anyway. It was probably for the best.

When the rose bush in my front yard went into full bloom recently, I felt the overwhelming urge to photograph it, and I couldn’t help but be reminded of my former obsession with The Secret Garden. Maybe it’s time I go out and buy myself a locket! (hehe).

For anyone in the Albuquerque Metro and Valencia County areas interested in booking a specialty fine art portrait session for your child, please contact me at

Availability is limited.

Also, the dresses featured in these images are available for clients to borrow for photo sessions. Just ask at booking!


Cheyenne Chavez is a portrait photographer specializing in classic, fine portraiture for children and families in the Belen, Los Lunas, and Albuquerque Metro Area.


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