Tips for Effective Headshots

In our increasingly digital world, headshots matter more than ever before. Your first impression with potential clients relies heavily on the image you put forward to represent you in digital spaces like social media or your website. Having a poor quality photo can have detrimental effects.

Cheyenne Chavez Photography is a New Mexico based mobile portrait studio near Albuquerque, New Mexico. We offer a wide range of photography services, including professional headshots for business professionals, actors, and musicians. In this article, we’re going to give you a few tips for great, effective headshots that communicate who you are to everyone you interact with in digital spaces.

  1. Keep your headshots up to date

    We recommend updating your headshots at least once per year, but if you recently changed your appearance in any way (haircut, glasses, etc) you may need to do it more frequently. You want your current headshots to be an accurate representation of who you are, today so that if a customer sees you online, they will know what to expect when they see you in person. Continuity matters!

  2. Choose wardrobe appropriately

    Opt for clothing that is comfortable but flattering and that matches your profession. Obviously, if you’re a real estate agent, you might opt for a business casual outfit, but if you’re a personal trainer, a stylish set of workout clothes may be in order. Regardless of what the outfit is, remember to select colors that are complimentary to your skin tone and avoid patterns that are too distracting.

  3. Fill the frame with your face

    Humans seek out and connect with faces- it’s hardwired into our brains. When you are selecting the headshot that you will use as your profile picture online, opt for one that fills the majority of the frame with your face so that people will be drawn to it and be able to see your eyes and smile, even if it’s a tiny avatar on a social media app.

  4. Don’t be afraid to let them see you smile.

    Your headshots are what will make your first impression, so you want to be sure that you convey positive, friendly vibes in your posture and expressions. Don’t hide your smile or try to appear stone faced- you want to make a lasting connection with people, and there is no better way to do that then to loosen up and crack a smile.

  5. The more polished and professional, the better.

    While it is possible to take a decent photo with your iPhone, the end result won’t be the same as that from a professional headshot photographer. A professional will know how to leverage lighting, posing, expression, and camera work to get the best possible image and make you look your best. Trust me, when you put a selfie side by side with a pro headshot, the difference is undeniable. Think about how that translates to the impression you are leaving your clients with, and the value of headshots becomes clear.

If you’re ready to take the next step and get your headshots in order, contact us today! We would love to help!


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